All Classes and Interfaces
Created for 1.14 compatibility purposes, it will cache block behind sign that will be
accessed via reflection on 1.14 which is expensive
Created by Tigerpanzer_02 on 17.12.2020.
The interface for all holidays
Class for locales
Registry class for holding locales
Localization service used for fetching latest locales for minigames
Download status enum for locale download demands
all plugin messages accessors.
An extremely simple JSON builder.
A super simple representation of a JSON object.
Metrics service for sending usage data
api subject to removal
Interface to handle items which are being picked up by players.
Create reported exception with data sent to reporter service
Reporter service for reporting exceptions directly to website reporter panel
Class for registering new services
A utility class to assist in checking for updates for plugins uploaded to
A constant reason for the result of
.A functional interface to compare two version Strings with similar version schemes.
Created by Tigerpanzer_02 on 17.12.2020.
Custom exception for world deletion errors.
Please use org.inventivetalent.particle.ParticleEffect to get support for 1.9+ Particles